Challenge: NTTA, the North Texas Tollway Authority, needed a clearer customer experience. It used various names for its products, each with different branding identities. Its online billing portal was frustrating for users. Essentially a utility, it lacked any personality. And besides being generally disliked in the DFW area for charging money to drive on roads, it was unclear precisely what the organization did.
Insight: The NTTA needed a big idea that humanized it and communicated clearly to its customers. We wanted to create a unique, identifiable "voice" that could convey multiple messages along the customer journey.
Idea: Introducing the Puppets! These adorable and friendly spokes-puppets are versatile in educating their puppet-friends about the savings and services provided by the NTTA. The 360° campaign brought these puppets to life through social media, radio, and out-of-home. Additionally, we designed a new consumer-friendly website to make the customer experience seamless.
Dallas Addy Winner

Results: Unlike the puppet stars, this campaign has legs for days. (You need to request puppet legs way in advance.) Universally loved by the NTTA internally and the public, the puppets, and the tone we established are still used today.
This sizzle reel will give you a quick idea of the scope of the campaign.